I have been doing some work on the basement the last few days. I installed Util-a-Mat flooring. It is only temporarily installed because the finished walls are not established as of yet so I didn't want to make any cuts to the tiles. Util-a-Mat is a 1/2" foam safety flooring for kids rooms or other places one would want a squishyish floor. I am happy with the performance so far. It has provided a layer of insulation on the cement floor giving the floor an almost warm feeling. The look leaves a little to be desired being that it is red, green, blue, and yellow 2' x 2' squares.
I also finished the trim in the sauna. I got the window framed both inside and out. I am pretty happy with the results. I also added a bucket rack and a duck walk to the sauna. That leaves only vinyl patching the sauna floor to be done.
I will try to get pictures up so everyone can marvel.