Monday, October 31, 2005


No More Hole

Soon Anne and I will be taking a Sauna.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


It turns out there needs to be a lot of pipes to drain all the stuff I am going to add to the basement. It is a bit more than I expected, but I didn't really know what to expect when I got the ball rolling. Next step is to get the floor back.

More to come.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Basement Hole

This is the state of my basement right now. The plumber says he is going to be here Tuesday. I say "says" because he was supposed to come today. This plumber was at least nice enough to call me around 8:30 am to tell me he could not make it. So I still had time to get to work and not use up some of my paid vacation. I'm crossing my finger for tomorrow.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

New Camera

It has been awhile since I have posted anything. The projects I was doing were on hold. They start again on Monday. I also have a new camera. My father gave me his old camera which is much better than the camera I was using. Above is a picture of it. I'll be playing with it trying to master the art of photography.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Old Sunroom

I found a picture of the sunroom before we bought the house.

Pictures of the Backyard

I will be posting some pictures of the back yard very soon. I took them today, but they are too dark to see any detail. While you are thinking, "that's never stopped him from posting before." I am going to wait and take some pictures when the sun is more my ally. So until then I will have you visualize what it looked like the last time you saw it. I never took photos of the before, so that is the only way you can compare the differences.


Here is a picture of the hand rail as proof that I made and painted it.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Fall Colors

Views from Hartley Park.

Different View, Our house is in there somewhere.

Anne and I went for a walk and I shot these pictures.

As far as projests are concerned, I have put plastic up on two windows. I have a couple more to do, but I need it to warm up some so the tape will stick.

I have painted the new handrail to prevent rusting.

The new door gasket for the dishwasher didn't work. I might have to start pricing new dishwashers. Does anybody know where I can get a good deal?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

More Rain

It rained all day again today. I have discovered a leak in the pantryish room that is off the kitchen. Since It only occurs when it rains hard for several days in a row it might not be a huge problem, but I am going to look into it this weekend and make it not leak if I can.

Speaking of leaks, our dishwasher leaks something fierce. It has leaked for as long as I remember, and I have tried different things to remedy the situation, but all has failed. I have now come to the conclusion that it is the door gasket and foam pad deal on the door. I have to go to the hardware store and order up the parts so that I can fix the leak before the water ruins the hardwood floors.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

All Day Rain

Today it rained all day long. I didn't get anything done. I organized my tools and Anne cleaned up the basement some.

Yesterday I put up a railing for the front steps.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Basement Project

Well, I've got the basement started. The floor is broken up for the sauna and shower drains. I have to move the dryer and existing laundry sink to prep for the toilet. It is going very well, I thought it would be harder. I am breaking the floor with a sledge hammer and a hand sledge.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Furnished Sunroom with fire

Picture of sunroom